Just Smile and Wave

Just smile and wave boys, just smile and wave. Of course, that’s yet another quote from something I heard today. I went with the family to watch Madagascar. Overall it was a pretty good movie. It was obviously geared towards a younger audience, but I enjoyed it.

Today I went out to help troubleshoot a building on base. This time the DHCP server had run out of IP addresses for this particular area, so we had to call around and try to get some of them free so we could use some of those IP addresses. It was something to do. I used a Link Runner today. Those things are so nice, just hook ’em up and then find where the cable is your trying to find by listening for the signal in the closet. Quick and easy, quick and easy.

I believe, though, I’m going to go ahead and camp out for the night. I’m tired and been busy nearly from the time I got home from the movie. So, here I go: to bed.