Eat. Sleep. Worship.

We’re heading home from the Desperation conference now. I’d say we’re sixty or so miles from the Colorado border with New Mexico (we’re going home the southern route). I don’t know what to say about the Desperation conference, so I’m just going to post a little of what happened, and maybe in a few days or weeks I can post everything else.

I’m going to start out with what the local Colorado Springs Gazette had to say about the 2,500 young people from outside of city (and about 1,000 from within the city). There it was on the front page of the metro section, an article about 3,300 young people packed in a single auditorium to worship the awesome Lord Jesus! It was all about Desperation. People from over thirty states came for one reason: a passion for Christ. Reading about it was okay: being a part of it was AWESOME.

Thursday started the conference off. John Bervere was the first speaker at the conference. The bottom line of what he said was this – we’ve got to stop being luke-warm Christians. The hardest people to reach are the people in the church – those that have heard about Jesus, been in church their entire life, yet they’re luke-warm. Jesus said in Revelations that he will vomit these people out of His mouth. This is one of the things that I have a deep passion for, it makes me mad, sad, and sometimes a little discouraged at the lies the enemy has said to this generation and the churches around today. As John Bervere said – we go to church here in America and pray a formula sinners prayer, there is nothing ever said about laying down your life, dying to yourself (Romans 12:1). Jesus never enticed people to bring them into the church. Jesus said he would rather us be hot or cold – not lukewarm. I had heard it preached many, upon many of times, but it was relayed in such a clear way Thursday night. Jesus said he’d rather us be on fire, loving Him with ALL of our hearts or be cold, cold people know they’re sinners. These people are in bars, they make girls, drugs, and anything BUT God their idol – their God. Those in the church believe that just because they prayed a prayer they’re going to heaven, and it’s killing so many people. Luke-warmness is one of the largest killers in America.

The second day was awesome. I met some friends, who turned out to be some very awesome people. That helped both Friday and Saturday go by better (especially during the hours we didn’t have anything to do), hopefully we’ll all stay in touch via Internet. I wish I could stay at the conference for a few more months, but then we’d not really be going out doing what Christ commanded us to do. The war is raging, the youth are the church of today – and we’ve got to lay our lives down for Christ – serving people, sharing our faith with people, and just showing people the love of Christ by the way we live our lives.

I got this awesome shirt that I just have to share, because it’s easily going to be my new favorite! It says: Eat. Sleep. Worship. That’s all it says, there is nothing more on it – just a black shirt. The way we live our lives should be worship to God, and this is the way I want to live my life until I die. Eat, sleep, and Worship!

There was so much covered in those three days. About 300 gave their lives to becoming a missionary, theses are committed young people, and that’s an incredible numbers. I want to reach many people to Christ through the way I live, work, and carry myself. God had so much in store for me, I know. I’ve been just trying to seek his will lately. I really want to move back out to Colorado Springs one day, but right now I’m just going to wait and see if that’s where God has called me. I’ve been considering an internship as well, but I don’t even know if that’s what I’m supposed to do. I believe I’ll start college and go for that for this school year, and then if I feel God has called me to something else, I’ll go. I want to go to ORU after I get my major in computer science. However, I’m not sure if that’s what I’m supposed to do either. It’s just a lot that I’ve got to think about.

I wrote a little of this entry in Colorado, then I figured I would get my laptop back out and edit the entry a little before I submitted it, so now I’m in Alabama, and we’re probably two hours or so from home. I’m ready to get home; I’m tired and ready to go to bed. I have to get up in the morning and go back to work.

Back home now, it’s humid. I already miss my old home again. 🙁

4 Replies to “Eat. Sleep. Worship.”

  1. did you get this shirt there??
    whered you get it?..
    where can i get it?
    ive been looking for that shirt ever since i saw someone wearing it!..

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