
Tonights one of the few nights where I’m really not sure how to start off the entry. Maybe it’s because I’m tired; maybe it’s because I shouldn’t really be writing one tonight. Either way, I’ve started it, so here it is.

A video was shown today in Government, it was about the inequality of America (our History) — not just with African Americans, but with Jews, Chinese, and others. The video as a whole was quite good and informative. I didn’t agree with the title though, but that’s for a diffrent time to discuss. We had a sheet to fill out afterwards. For some reason what I wrote was like … a dazed copy of what I wanted to say — why remains somewhat of a mystery, although I have a speculation. It was like I was there, but I wasn’t. Hard to explain. I just don’t remember what I wrote, and I don’t think I answered the questions how she wanted them. There we go.

On a lighter note, one of the AUM cats had kittens. So now I get to see four little kittens when I walk to class (if they’re not under the cop cars). It’s kind of funny, there used to just be the adult cats …

Lately I’ve taken a break from normality. The good thing is — I love it. That’s pretty much all I’m saying, other than the fact that it could be permenent.

And with that, I must leave …