Life Is Good

Last night I released the latest version of E-Blah. The release seems to have went flawlessly. There haven’t been many problems with upgrades or new installs. After I released that, I went to a movie with Brittany and I met Catherine and her friend, Kristen, there. We watched Yours Mine & Ours, which was very good. I actually wasn’t how I imagined it, it was much better. I noticed they were playing some awesome music in their movie too: Hawk Nelson. It’s awesome to see a movie website actually supporting (advertising) a Christian group.

I e-mailed my counsoler (because you have to if you change anything on your schedule) about taking two History classes, as that’s the only classes left that I can take. It being several days after, I hope those classes are still open. I have to take four classes to be concidered full time (therefore keeping me under my parents insurance). I wanted to take my next english class, but a class with a max of 20 students goes out quite quickly, and I waited too late to register. Learned my lesson I guess.

My computerI got my monitor on Friday at around 11:30am. It seems like double my other monitor, although my other was 17 inch. It doesn’t seem like two inches more would do so much. I’m also using a higher resolution, so that probably has an effect. I got on my laptop, and now everything on it looks huge, but there’s not much I can do with a 15 inch screen. It’s not too small, just diffrent now that I’ve started to grow on this one. The picture to the right is my “new” setup with my new monitor and everything.

I learned a little AJAX today for E-Blah. It’s not that difficult, so I might be trying to use it more often (but it definatly doesn’t need to be wore out). It’s interesting, to say the least.

My pastor and his wife from Saugahatchee came over today after church to pray over the family and all. I’m not going into any details other than that though, it was diffrent though … very diffrent.

In a very unfortunate event, one of the filiments blew in one of my cars break lights. I’ll see if Wal-Mart has one tomorrow when I get out of school.

I decided to go and stop reading Ezra again, so I went to Ester and read it. It’s always good to read that book; it always sends chills up my back when I read about the awesome power of our God and how he used Ester. As in every book, there were major key points. When the King couldn’t sleep, I found it great how God made that sleeplessness help save a man who would have otherwise been destoryed. I also found it even more interesting how the honors Haman had described was put to use on the most unlikely suspect — his enemy, Mordecai; and his murder plot was used against him when he was hanged from the very place he had planned for Mordecai to be hanged from. Of course if Hamon had read Solomons Proverbs he may have been able to avoid an early death.

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