My [Future] Wife Part 2

In a previous entry I spoke about who I’m looking for in a future wife. I later said I was probably going to add to that list, and so that’s what this entry is for.

First things first, for those that do not know me, I’m quiet in person. I study and learn, and more importantly, I listen. I listen to people. I see things that happen, I hear the problems other people are having in their relationships. I learn different things during these times. Some of these points have come about simply because of things that I’ve heard and came across and find that I really don’t believe is characteristics of a healthy, loving, godly relationship. So here’s how it all starts.

My wife must be a Christian. This is the first and most important thing about who I’m going to marry. There must be a love and a zeal for God, and it must be evident by the way she lives and others people should see, by the way she lives, that there is something different about her. This would lead to good morals, good attitudes, and clean godly lifestyle. This also means that she holds nothing against anyone, and thus lives in forgiveness. I believe that all eight of the fruits of the spirit should be evident, or at least growing evident, in her life — love, joy, peace, patients, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self control. I want my wife to be clean of moral hazards that wreck the lives of people in today’s culture, this includes sex, drugs, television, music, images, and various other forms of media currently out there.

All of this, I believe, will lead to my wife having self respect. She’s respect both herself, but also those in authority over her — pastor, parents, government, and boss. Respecting herself includes the way she dresses, speech, acts, and serves.

My wife will not have jealousy running rampant in her life, this will carry on to also mean that she’ll not want, or feel the need, to manipulate myself or others to get what she wants.

This leads me to the new things I’m going to add. I’m not removing, but more downplaying the moving part now. I really want to settle down and live in an area where I settle down at. If that means move before then, then that’s what it means. I’m believing God for this one. Money issues have also caused me to think. I’m someone who saves money and doesn’t spend it if I don’t have the money. I also don’t believe too highly in having my wife work, although I wouldn’t object if she wanted to work (as long as we don’t have kids). I believe in stay at home moms, and I think this is the way it should be. I believe that the money I make, that it’ll be able to support my family after college, with one job, without having to resort to my wife working.

Now, that’s what I’m looking for, and this list is God’s list. It’s impossible, true, but I serve the possible, Almighty God. To put a twist on all of this I want to add what I hope to be to my wife — a strong leader following those in authority over me (Christ, Pastor, government), love her, cherish her, make her feel special (even in those times she feels down), support her in her goals and ambitions, be there when she feels no one else can or will, pick her up when she falls, make her laugh, make her cry those joyful tears, and just be the person, the man, she’s never had or never thought she could find.

That’s all, it’s a short list (or is it?), but that’s who I want my wife to be, and that’s who I want to be to my wife.

Update 1 (December 26, 2005): Whomever I marry must not use a cell phone on the first four dates (after that — used in heavy moderation). I hate cell phones with a passion.

Also, I’ve thought a little more about personality, my wife must be a little more outgoing than I am (this does not mean loud and obnoxious though, and it doesn’t mean she doesn’t know what being meek is).

Update 2 (December 31, 2005): My future girlfriend, fiancée, and wife will love Christian Music and not listen to any secular music (any at all, actually).

Update 3 (January 11, 2006): My future girlfriend, fiancée, and wife must be real. What do I mean by that? I mean that when she’s around me, she doesn’t act differently than when she’s around her other friends. I’m completely open, honest, and sincere with everything I give, so I feel she should be also. If she says she’s shy — she should be shy. If she says she’s outgoing, be outgoing. I’m not going to marry a superficial young lady. If she’s outgoing, I want to know her that way. If she’s shy, I want to know her that way. If she feels I won’t accept her for who she is, then who is she? If she’s herself, she has nothing to hide but herself. That’s who I want to see. The woman God created her to be. Not some mirror image of someone she perceives as “perfect”.

Update 4 (April 13, 2007): Update to the second update.  While “must love Christian music” stays, I believe that if she’s lost in God, she’ll be able to discern what is right and wrong in terms of what she listens to.  Also, the length of time she has been a Christian is obviously something else to take into account.

Secondly, I do not want anyone to think these are “she’s got to be this way”.  While these are good, admirable qualities, I know that she may not have them all “perfected”.  I’m not perfect on any of these, and even fail at times myself.  I also know that she may be a newer believer.  While she has to be pure, I do not think the distant past should be judged.  I want her to be growing in God and learning the things God is speaking to her. 

Update to the first one, I don’t fully hate cell phones.  I still don’t think they should be used on dates (of any kind), for more than a few minutes max.  There’s a point to where it’s past “okay” to the point of rude.  I realize dating can be nervous, but cell phones shouldn’t be a way to get over that nervousness.  I understand emergencies and phone calls from family.

As for update number three, I was basically just saying I want my date to be herself and not feel like she has to impress me or anything.  I’m already impressed if I’m taking her out.

Long Weekend

It’s been a long, but good, weekend. First I hung out with Jonathan Friday night. We played a few games, and watched John Bevere from Desperation. I enjoyed it. Saturday we went up to Montgomery and watched a movie, War of the Worlds. I wish I had time to review and talk about the things I liked about the movie, but right now I’m really pressed for time. It’s late and I need to get in the best as soon as I can for work tomorrow. I wanted to post what all happened, last night. I couldn’t though because it was so late.

A few things happened this weekend with church and all. First, I talked to the pastor and Uncle Scott about a lot of things I’ve been wanting to share. Second, we’ve got the laptop moved to the back so I can start doing the on screen projections durring church. I talked to my mom for probably two hours last night when I got home, which was around 9:45 or so. There was a lot of stuff shared there too. Last night I told the pastor how I was going to start, also, going to LWWC. Now, when I said that the pastor didn’t like the idea, however, tonight my Uncle told me he’s pretty okay with it after it was all said and done. I just hope this is everything I’m supposed to do. My mom said I’ll do the right thing, so hopefully that’s right.

Speaking of which, my mom the other day wrote some stuff out on a paper for me to read. I still haven’t read through it good enough though, I just haven’t really had time. I had to fix, or I’ve been trying to fix, and get rid of a lot of spyware on the computer my sister uses. It’s loaded with it, so it’s been consuming my free time today. I have a virus scan running now while she sleeps though. I really want to discuss a lot of what happend over the past two days, but I need to go to bed now. I may talk about a lot of it more in depth tomorrow.

Tired, Just Tired

Over the past few days, or weeks now, I’ve been doing all sorts of stuff with my server (mainly doing updates to stuff, trying to fix things, etc). Tonight was no diffrent. It’s coming to a close though, I’m going to take a break from modifying the software on the server for a while, if I can.

On Thursday of next week I go to AUM for orientation. I’ll get to learn all about whatever I’ll be doing there the next few weeks and months. I might should just trying going full time durring next summer and maybe double up some and get the two years before I start to focus on my major, and then re-evaluate whatever I plan to do after that.

I believe I’ll be updating my previous entry on who I’m looking for in a future wife, with a new entry, to reflect some new things I’ve thought about recently that have to deal in the way of money and finances,along with a few other little things. My other post which discussed how difficult it will be to find my future wife, was kind of reaffirmed to me today while overhearing some converations (that I really could care less about hearing). I thought about it for a few minutes, and then thought about marrying the wrong one and being miserable the rest of my life. This is one reason I’m going to add finances later on, because I want to make sure whomever I marry doesn’t want to spend money to be in debt, along with a few other things I’m curring thinking about. It’s sad to see people out there that are miserable, and it’s painful for both sides, whether they like to admit it or not, it’s just sad. It’s a position I don’t wish to be in, and I’m willing, however hard it may be, to wait until the one comes around.

I Want to Know You

Sometimes life can get hard, sometimes things just don’t go your way. That’s the time we need to press into God. I’ll be the first to admit that isn’t the (first) thing I do at all times, I’m just stating what I need to do in those times (like yesterday).

This weekend Jonathan Robinson is going to come over, and we’re going to play some games and go out to movies and just hang out. He’s been busy with work here lately to do anything. School has started for Elmore county, so he’s got to trim work back a little.

Today at work I was cold again, but it was better than yesterday (I think). I’m taking me a jacket tomorrow (I meant to bring it today, actually). Speaking of work, I might, indeed, get to stay working there. There are cases that I could keep working there (it’s only every Friday anyway, so it wouldn’t really be part time).

I went to AUM today to pay for tuition and all. I did not have a student ID, so I picked me up one today. It’s just a card with a picture, name, and major on it. It’s not that special, but I still thought it was cool. I really, truely, can’t believe I’m in college.

Tomorrow is Wednesday, I don’t know if I’ll go to that chuch. I probably should give it a name since I’ve been talking about it, Living Waters Worship Center. I want to, but I just don’t know if I’d feel comfortable there alone. The whole church reminded me of something so familiar though — my old cell group. When I went there I really was alone, I met the guy, Micheal, in a chatroom who had invited me (true story, of course). I might go though, I’ll just wait and see what tomorrow brings.

I’ve found one of the useful things on my iPod is shuffle. I’m sitting on my bed right now with the Worship genre being shuffled. It’s very cool. If I don’t like one I just hit next and it’s out of the way.

Okay, I’m rambling now because I’m out of stuffs to really talk about.

There’s one thing that I’ve found that sometimes can make you do something dumb: a loss. I’m not talking about like the loss of a $20 bill, I’m talking about the loss of a friend or someone very close to you. People will do things they normally wouldn’t do. Things, material things, no longer have any importance. Food, even, loses it’s appeal. I’ve saw this happen countless times. Studies have even been done, and the term heart break really is true — it can litterally put more stress on your heart. When I see what others go through, and hear the pain in their voice, it sometimes litterally puts tears to my eyes. I think of the missing girl in Aruba and what her mom has done. I can’t say I would handle things diffrently, personally, I might would handle worse. I believe we need to have compassion on these people, they are hurting. Sometimes we need to weep for them, and cry out to God to help them through their time. When we cry out to God though, if there’s something we can do to help, we do it. The Word says (James 2:14-26) that we need to do this. I’m sure I’ve not been there for someone when I could have before, but it’s something we all need to strive against doing.

Wow, I’m going to get done with this right at 10:00 tonight. That’s a first!

Days To Skip

Days to skip, days to skip … today was one of those days. I’m not sure what lead to the day being just generally a bad day, maybe it was the pure boredom, the cold (so very cold), or the fact that I can’t keep being an intern after I start school. I was bored most of the day at work. Then there was the cold, which has to be around 55 or 60 degrees where I sit (right under a vent). I was hoping to keep working after school started as an intern, but I found out today that I cannot. Maybe that’s good though. Over the past two weeks or so I’ve been so confused as to what I should do with everything. I’m thinking of just going for an associates degree now, and just get certified in stuff for now. I’m not sure if that’s the way to go though. In the future, not very distant, I would like to get a major in youth, specifically reaching the youth (youth pastor, purhaps).

Then there are other things. I want to go to something like Twenty Four Seven or Masters Commission, even, purhaps, YWAM … but where can I do these? I’d have to relocate for Twenty Four Seven (not sure about the other two), and I wouldn’t have money for that. I’m horrible at meeting new people, being in a place alone where I know no one.

Right now it’s like I’m torn between so many things. On top of all of these things is the fact that I want to move back to Colorado Springs (one day). I really (really) would like God’s guidance on all of these things, but I’m not getting it. I don’t know what I’m suppose to do. If I’m suppose to stay here until the day that I die, I will. I do think I am meant to be here now (as to why, I haven’t a clue). On the way home my dad asked me what I wanted to do and all, and I just told him I didn’t know: because I don’t. I wish I knew just the next two days what I’m suppose to do, but I don’t.

Tonight we had a “family discussion” on church. Basically they wanted to know where we wanted to go to church. Again, I haven’t really a clue. I told them that I’ll probably keep going to the one I’m currently going to and also go to the one we went to Sunday night. The church we went to Sunday night appears to have a vision. Their vision is what really was what made me actually excited. They’re the only church around here that I’ve actualy saw, clearly stated, what they’re mission was. I literally had a smile on my face when I saw it when I walked in the door. When I saw the prayer wall it reminded me so much of something I believe I would have saw in Colorado Springs early days (Colorado Springs used to be a major hub for witches — then the prayer came). I have prior commitments to my old church, and I’m going to fulfill those, and hopefully, maybe, the church will grow from 60+ to a church with teenagers — a live giving church. If I get involved with the other church I will hope the same. Both will generally have a diffrent target audiance since their in two vastly diffrent locations though (which is kind of ironic, maybe).

That’s the rundown on my life for now. I’ve got to hit the bed.

End of Another Day

This has been a diffrent Sunday. We went to a diffrent church for church tonight. I really wasn’t in the mood, truth be told, before I went. I had just woke up from a 30 minute nap (wow, it was nice too), and I just didn’t want to run into people who I knew was there just to play around (that really irks me sometimes). I was in for a surprise though. Truth be told, I could tell that most, if not all, of the people there were there for one reason: worshiping GOD. When I first walked in there was prayer going on. Now, I’m thinking it’s going to just be a non-focused prayer, but I was wrong. On the projector was things to pray for, and on the “Prayer Wall” was things that needed prayer. Written in nice permanent sharpie marker, there was a huge need for breaking addictions within the city. These were further broken down with four addictions (sex, drugs, making people happy, and one I forgot). This was well thought out. I was surprised at just how everything was run. In all probably 20 to 30 people were there. In fact, I think I counted 9 females and 7 males total, so it wasn’t many. Basically it was awesome.

I don’t go to church on Wednesday, so I might think about going there, but I really don’t want to go there alone (hmm, I feel uncomfortable in small groups). Sometimes maybe I should just step out and not worry about anything.

On a simular subject. I’ve been praying to be more humble and less prideful. Sometimes it feels like I do things just to try to get noticed (which the problem is, I’ve never been this way). I don’t want to be prideful and think I’m better than other people though, that’s wrong and not right. We are all created in God’s image. Sometimes — most times — it’s truely a battle with my mind and heart. I truely want what God want’s for me, but sometimes it’s like everything is just lost. Everything is just lost in something. I’m not really confused (or maybe I am), I just want to know what to do.

There’s a new book out by Ron Luce called Battle Cry for a Generation, and it talks about how IMPORTANT it is to start reaching this generation. The book is targeted to more of an adult audience or youth pastors and leaders (more and more I find myself filling those spots), but I believe the book is a must read for everyone currently living and breathing right now. The book is awesome thus far. I got the book yesterday and read 100 pages yesterday, I plan to finish it soon.

I’ve decided to post two more pictures from Colorado. The first one is another shot, from my sisters camera, of Desperations last night. The one on the right is of Pikes Peak. It was taken with my sisters cam as well, inside the van (tinted windows) so that’s why it looks hazy. Can you tell we’re not professionals?

Click to expand Click to expand

Well, work starts early, so I need to get off and go to bed. It’s been a good day, and now I need the rest for another good day.


Awesomeness. Anyone who’s talked to me online knows I like that word … so, the question, what’s in a word?

Something that I found really awesome at Desperation was a song. I only remember a few of the lyrics. Some of them were: My Savior, Redeemer, My Father, along with a few other names; these names are who God is. I believe this is something we need to remember. This is something we need to learn to say to both God and ourselves. We need to say, to pray, who God is, what His name means. We need to know who God is. He’s all of those things, and should be so much more. Sometimes other things can get in the way of us seeing who He really is. The Bible uses various words to describe who God is, for instance, Jehovah Jireh, which means the Lord will provide (see this page for more names). I believe we need to know these to understand and know who God is, as these names provide us with more on God’s character. These aren’t just names, it is who God is.

Anyway, I’m cutting this entry short. I’ve recently been overcoming a sickness, earlier in the week they were bad, now I just have a cough and pretty much, symptoms of a mild common cold. I’ve decided to post this really awesome shot my mom got while I was driving into Colorado on Wednesday night. The picture to the right is of the last day of Desperation. It was taken durring the praise and worship part of the service. My sister took it, and then made it really bright so you can see it (the flash doesn’t do good with the stage lights on our cameras).

Click to expand Click to expand

As you can see, the sun was going down, and the view was just awesome. One thing I missed while I was out there was a mountain shot of the Springs. It would have been boring anyway, without the snow and all. I plan on going back out there sometime, so I’ll be sure to grab one them.